Houston Temple Wedding Pictures

Temple Wedding

Houston LDS Temple Wedding | Emerson & Jokzany

Houston Temple Wedding Pictures

Another beautiful day for a Houston LDS Temple Wedding! Emerson and Jokzany were married in the morning. There were bright blue skies and puffy white clouds and the sun would go in and out. It made for beautiful pictures!

Houston LDS Temple

One thing that I have learned coming from Southern California to Houston is the heat is not the same, I know this is pretty obvious to most, but I think I underestimated the difference. Luckily, at the Houston Temple, there is some shade. Emerson, Jokzany, and I would go from shooting in the bright sun to finding the slight reprieve of the shade. As an LDS Temple Wedding Photographer, there are certain must-have shots and it doesn’t matter if it’s in bright sun and 100 degrees, these are the “money shots” that every bride wants and needs.

There are times more ideal than others, lighting-wise for your ceremony, message me and I can give you the 411, it varies, depending on the temple.

These 2 were troopers in the heat! A wedding dress and suit are no joke in the Texas summer heat! But Emerson and Jokzany were so happy and so in love that they pushed through for those wedding pictures! I’m so grateful for my sweet brides and grooms!

Now they are off to start their life together in the west! How exciting! I’m so glad that I got to be a part of their beginnings here in Houston. I hope they come back so I can capture how their family grows. That is one of my favorite parts of my job, watching newlyweds become mom and dad!

Here are some of my favorites from their big day!

Exiting the Houston Texas Temple
Houston Temple Wedding
Houston Temple Wedding
Houston Temple Wedding Family Pictures
Houston Temple Wedding Family Pictures
Houston Temple Bridal Party Pictures
Houston Temple Wedding bridal party pictures
Houston Temple Bridal Party Pictures
Houston Temple Wedding bridal party pictures
Houston Temple Wedding Pictures
Favorite! This side of the temple is my favorite in the morning/afternoon light!
Houston Temple Wedding Pictures
Houston Temple Wedding Pictures
Houston Temple Wedding Pictures
Houston Temple Wedding Pictures
Houston Temple Wedding Pictures
Houston Temple Wedding Pictures
Houston Temple Wedding Pictures
Houston Temple Wedding Pictures
Houston Temple Wedding Pictures
Houston Temple Wedding Pictures
Houston Temple Wedding Pictures
Houston Temple Wedding Pictures
Houston Temple Wedding Pictures
Houston Temple Wedding Pictures
Houston Temple Wedding Pictures
Houston Temple Wedding Pictures
Houston Temple Wedding Pictures
Houston Temple Wedding Pictures
Houston Temple Wedding Pictures
Houston Temple Wedding Pictures

Click HERE to see another Houston LDS Temple Wedding.