Houston LDS Temple wedding

Temple Wedding

Houston Temple Wedding | Ryan & Lindsay

Houston LDS Temple wedding

I got to photograph a Houston Temple Wedding! Can I tell you a little backstory before I get to Lindsay and Ryan’s beautiful day? I started shooting weddings in 2005 in Utah, almost all of these weddings were temple weddings. From 2005-2008 I photographed well over 100 temple weddings in Utah, Idaho, Nevada and California. I literally learned how to shoot weddings from temple weddings. Since then I have shot every kind of wedding, every religion (just about), every style. 16 years will give you a lot of experience when you are doing anything full-time. But temple weddings always feel like “home”.

Because of Covid, I have not been able to shoot very many temple weddings in the last year and a half, it’s been so sad. But as I was waiting for Lindsay and Ryan to come out of the temple, I felt this rush of ecstatic adrenaline. Oh how I love this! With all of my heart! I love to see there happy faces when they step out of the temple to greet all of their family and friends. It is the BEST feeling!

Houston Temple Wedding

Lindsay’s mom called me a few months ago. Lindsay and Ryan are from Dallas and were planning to get married in the Dallas Temple. But it is closed for the summer and so they decided to drive down to here to get married in the Houston Temple. They needed a photographer. I tried to be cool. With my background in temple weddings, I have been DYING to shoot a wedding there. I was SO excited when they wanted me to do it!

And how PERFECT was their day! It was definitely a hot August day, but it had rained earlier and they got married in the later evening and so we had a little bit of a breeze and the most perfect golden hour light! I’m so excited with how these pictures came out.

If you are getting married in the Houston Temple, I am your girl!! So beautiful!

Wedding at the Houston Temple
Houston Temple Wedding
Houston LDS Temple Wedding Photography
Houston Temple Wedding Photography
Houston LDS Temple Wedding
Houston LDS Temple Wedding Photos
Houston Temple Wedding Photos
Houston Temple Wedding Family Photos
Houston LDS Temple Wedding Family Photos
Houston Temple wedding family photos in front of the temple
Lindsay and Ryan had all four sets of grandparents there with them at the temple! That is such a special blessing!
Parent pictures in front of the Houston Temple on wedding day
Friend pictures in front of the Houston Temple on a wedding day
Houston Temple Wedding Photographer
Houston LDS Temple Wedding Photographer
Houston Temple Wedding Photography
Houston LDS Temple Wedding Photography
Houston LDS Temple Wedding Photos
Houston LDS Temple Wedding Photos
Houston Mormon Temple Wedding
Houston Temple Wedding Photographer
Houston Temple Wedding in the evening
Houston Temple Wedding Photography
Houston LDS Temple Wedding Photography
Houston Temple Wedding Photos
Houston LDS Temple Wedding Photos
LDS Temple Wedding Photos
LDS Temple Wedding Photography
Houston Temple Wedding Photography
Houston Temple Wedding Photographer
Houston Temple Wedding Photos
Houston Temple Wedding Selfie

Check out my last temple wedding that I was able to photograph at the beautiful San Diego temple HERE.