Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to


Magnolia Bells Wedding | The Perfect Wedding Day Timeline

Sara and Mike were married at Magnolia Bells in Magnolia, Texas. To say this day was just perfection would be an understatement! From the moment Sara booked Mollie Jane Photography for her wedding photography she was so adorable and just such an ideal Mollie Jane bride.

First, she scheduled an engagement session with me. You can see that HERE! Even though that session ended up being only 2 weeks before her wedding, it was so great! At Mollie Jane Photography, we offer an engagement session complementary with every collection. Why? Because this hour is so important to how the wedding day will go! I show up as a friend, not this strange person that you don’t trust and spends the ENTIRETY of the most important day of your life with you.

Next, Sara and I spent almost her entire lunch break planning out her wedding day timeline! She planned her day with pictures in mind! She planned enough time for details, buffer time throughout the day and trusted me to make it all happen. And it did!

Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to

Since Mike and Sara did not have a first look, we try to get as many pictures done before the ceremony as we can so we have plenty of time for their couple pictures! We were able to do all of their bridesmaid pictures and it helped so much!

Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to

They had the most beautiful first touch! As I say with first looks, this is YOUR time. This is your calm before the storm of your big day. I told them to take their time, I would never interrupt this sweet moment. I put a long lens on and I capture it from afar so you can enjoy this moment.

Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to

They had a beautiful ceremony at the outdoor ceremony location at Magnolia Bells. The weather that day was PERFECT!

Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to

The absolute BEST first kiss and recessional. I think I included way too many of these, but I can’t help it! I never want to tell my couples how to react during the recessional because I want it to be authentic to them, but if I could…THIS! This is the most adorable, happy recessional ever!

Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to

We planned out family picture like I explain HERE and in the questionnaire that I send out before your wedding. This helps get those done quickly and so we had plenty of time for their wedding party and couple pictures. Having a plan is so important!

Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to

One very important aspect of your wedding day that often gets over looked are the wedding reception details. A lot of thought and money goes into these details and, as your photographer, I want you to have pictures of it all to remember it! In Mike and Sara’s case we actually made time in between the First Touch and the Ceremony for me to run over and get all of these details. To get pictures of the empty room at the beautiful Magnolia Bells reception barn before your guest come in. The bride and groom don’t usually get to see it in this pristine condition, it is so nice to have these pictures to cherish all of your hard work.

Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to

Sunset photos! What can I say? Do them! Plan them into your day! You will never regret sneaking out of your reception for 10-15 minutes right before the sun sets, during that perfect light. Can you imagine? What if we didn’t? These pictures are perfection! Say yes to sunset photos!

Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to

For reception dancing pictures, your photographer only “needs” to be there for 30-45 minutes to get the perfect amount of those party images. It is another thing that is planned out. While your photographer is present, get everyone out on the dance floor, the best way to do that is for the bride and groom to get out there too. These make the best party pictures and it is before everyone gets sweaty and not looking their best.

Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to

Photographer needs to leave before the end of your night, but you want a grand exit? No problem! Do a “soft exit”. This can be done a couple of ways. About 15 minutes before your photographer is scheduled to leave, have the DJ announce for every to go outside for the “soft” or “fake” exit, this is nice because your exit pictures look full, everyone is there. Before the end of the night, some guests may leave early. This way, you have everyone.

Another way is to quietly, while everyone is dancing, just invite out your wedding party and family to participate. This is really fun and intimate. Either way is perfect! And you get these fun images.

Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to
Magnolia Bells Wedding by Mollie Jane Photography. To see more go to

What made Sara and Mike’s wedding so perfect at their Magnolia wedding venue? Planning and communication. After shooting weddings for 16 years, I can offer expertise in planning that perfect day for pictures.

Don’t forget! If you are having a full day wedding (not an elopement), ALWAYS get (at least) the 8 Hour Wedding Collection. It is imperative! That is the only way that this perfect day possible.